- 78 Vin Yard Bill
Bill Harrity - 02 Nucleus 04
1980 Nucleus - CK Dickie & Don
Cedar Knolls- Dickie & Don - 76b Unknown from Nucleus
Unknown DJ - 79 03 Nucleus SCJ Dinner 4
Society of Collegiate Journalists Dinner Unknown (2) & Jon - WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-3b
- CK Dickie & Don 2
Cedar Knolls- Don & Dickie - 77 02a from Fashion Show Nucleus
What is the perfect fundraiser for a group of engineering students? Of course, a fashion show! Frank Gianelli was Master of Ceremonies. - 77 02d Fashion Show from Nucleus
Fashion Show - 77 02b Fashion Show from Nucleus
Fashion Show - 79 03 Nucleus SCJ Dinner 3
Society of Collegiate Journalists Dinner Janet & Bruce - 77 02e from Nucleus
Fashion Show - 76c Ed Schoepke & Unknown from Nucleus
"Country Ed" Schoepke & Unknown - 78 Vin Yard 2
Hasbrouck Heights The Crazy Eddie audience - 75b Zimand Youngworth Riley Zacharczyk from Nucleus
The Administration after Uncle Ray’s Scott “Z-Man” Zimand Dennis Youngworth Marion Riley Phillip Charles Benedict Zacharczyk (Zak Phillips, PCBZ)