- 76t IMG 8786
Cheers! - 79 01y Nucleus Bob Fairclough- Tenderfoot
"Tenderfoot" Bob Fairclough (we think) - 79 01 Nucleus Ciccolella
Tony Ciccolella - 79 02a Studio B Karl
Karl - 79 05 WJTB Annie Golden & The Shirts
WJTB members with Annie Golden (The Shirts, "Hair" film) - 79 01z Nucleus Studio B
Unknown DJ - 75q2 Secretary Sherry Harris Nucleus 1978
- 79 01 Nucleus Warren Jon
Warren & Jon - 1989-ish T-Shirt 01b from Glenn Arbesfeldt
T-Shirt logo- circa 1989 Thanks, Glenn Arbesfeldt - 1980 WJTB Golf 01
Golf Outing - 79 01 Nucleus Studio B Karl
Karl - 1989-ish T-Shirt 02a from Glenn Arbesfeld
T-Shirt logo- circa 1989 Thanks, Glenn Arbesfeldt - 77 01g from Nucleus
Scott Zimand, Unknown, and Bill Harrity. Bill and Scott cannot recall what he did, but are certain that he had it coming. And yes- this photo made the yearbook. - 76a from Nucleus
From The Nucleus Yearbook - 76p WNCE Turkey from The Vector
From The Vector