- 75n Country Ed Schoepke from Nucleus
“Country Ed” Schoepke…he was country when country wasn’t cool. - 75g Unknown- Record Library from Nucleus
Unknown DJ, Digging through the 45s The 45 RPM filing system was less formal than for LPs. You can see the edges of the LP labels, which tied to the index cards on the left. LPs were sorted alphabetically by artist, then numerically by date received at the station...examples follow. - 75c Gendel from Nucleus
Remote Broadcast from the Student Center Gary Gendel says: We had scheduled 1 hour shifts, and I had the first shift. This picture was taken about 8 hours later, after noone had come to replace me all day! - wjtb miniversity 1981 page 10 11 merge crop adj
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 01 CROP adj
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 02 03 adj2
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 24 crop adj
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 04 05
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 06 07 revised adj2
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 08 09 adj
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 18 19 adj
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 22 23 latest crop
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 16 17 crop adj
- wjtb miniversity 1981 page 14 15 crop adj
- 78 Karl Fence Dickie Glenn Osk
Hasbrouck Heights- Karl Fence Dickie Glenn Osk