- 1986 from Joe Zolik 02
Studio A Thanks, Joe Zolik - 76j Studio B view 1 from Uncle Ray
View from 550 Weston Hall, Studio B - 76k Studio B view 2 from Uncle Ray
Another view from 550 Weston Hall, Studio B - 74a from Nucleus
1973 Record Library- Unknown - 75d from Ray Slusarczuk
"Uncle Ray" Slusarczyk - 1986 from Joe Zolik 03
Studio A Thanks, Joe Zolik - 77 02i from Doc Herman Estrin in 1996
"Doc" Estrin note from 1996- referencing the aforementioned Security incident. - WJTB 1980 Throatwobbler Mangrove Invitational Bowlin (sic)
- 1986 WJTB Playlist from Neil McCaffrey
1986 WJTB Playlist Thanks, Neil McCaffrey - WJTB 1980 Golf Classic 2
- 78 WJTB Delta House
It says it's official- so it must be true! - WJTB 1980 Golf Classic 1
- 75l Unknown from Nucleus
Possibly Stevie Banks, who read the news - 75m Unknown from Nucleus
Unknown DJ. Uncle Ray says: “I didn't think we let tobacco in the studio - other stuff, maybe”. - WJTB Golf Classic Tournament