- WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-1b
- WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-2b
- WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-3b
- 75q Membership Card from Marc
I have known Marc since Third Grade- he has ALWAYS been in good standing. Signed by Morton P. Whittler! - 75e2 Melanie Horneck
- 75q2 Secretary Sherry Harris Nucleus 1978
- 76p WNCE Turkey from The Vector
From The Vector - 76c Membership Card from Marc Osetec
Featuring Dennis Youngworth and Richard C. Pugh - 76e Richard C Pugh 1980
Treasurer Richard C. Pugh - 76f Membership Card from Osk
Note the change in signatory Job Titles from prior year... - 76j Studio B view 1 from Uncle Ray
View from 550 Weston Hall, Studio B - 76k Studio B view 2 from Uncle Ray
Another view from 550 Weston Hall, Studio B - 77 02i from Doc Herman Estrin in 1996
"Doc" Estrin note from 1996- referencing the aforementioned Security incident. - 78 WJTB Delta House
It says it's official- so it must be true! - 79 WNCE WJTB CD Label
Compact Disc WNCE/WJTB Radio 550 AM in Newark Presents... The Future of Engineering in America Includes Blues Brothers 1978, Throatwobbler Mangrove Orchestra 1979, & more An mp3 version is available upon request.