- 78 Osk Glenn Richard
Hasbrouck Heights- Osk Glenn Dickie - 78 Don Mark
Hasbrouck Heights- Don & Mark - 78 Don Mark Bruce
Hasbrouck Heights- Don, Mark & Bruce - 78 Bruce Mark Don
Hasbrouck Heights- Bruce, Mark & Don - 78 04 WJTB shirt back
WJTB T-Shirt Logo designed by Tony Pepe, and silkscreened by Warren Stroedecke - 78 03 WJTB shirt front
WJTB T-Shirt Logo designed by Tony Pepe, and silkscreened by Warren Stroedecke - 78 02 Nucleus 1978
Bruce Hancik & Mark Zdanowicz - 78 01 Nucleus 1978
WNCE 1978- Studio A & Record Library Bill Harrity, Bruce Hancik & Mark Zdanowicz - CK Osk
Cedar Knolls- Osk - CK Mark Zdanowicz
Cedar Knolls- Mark Zdanowicz - CK Mark Zdanowicz 2
Cedar Knolls- Mark Zdanowicz - CK Don Carroll Dickie Colaizzo
Cedar Knolls- Don & Dickie - CK Dickie & Don
Cedar Knolls- Dickie & Don - CK Dickie & Don 2
Cedar Knolls- Don & Dickie - 77 02h Doc's Fashion Show history from Nucleus 1981
Fashion Show…some context…this was Doc Estrin’s event. According to the 1981 Nucleus Yearbook, “Every year Dr. Estrin holds his fashion show displaying the largest (sic- I think they meant “latest”) in clothing for the businessman/woman of today”. Heaven knows Doc saved us many times for all manner of peril (including being “shot in the head” by NJIT Security: a direct quote by the Security Guard to Dean Connie Murray before the meeting ended abruptly). So I guess we all thought we owed him one…which we certainly did.