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75i Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash

75i Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash.jpg 75j Mike Goldstein from NucleusThumbnails75h Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash75j Mike Goldstein from NucleusThumbnails75h Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash75j Mike Goldstein from NucleusThumbnails75h Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash75j Mike Goldstein from NucleusThumbnails75h Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash75j Mike Goldstein from NucleusThumbnails75h Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash75j Mike Goldstein from NucleusThumbnails75h Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash75j Mike Goldstein from NucleusThumbnails75h Record Library Filing System- rescued from the trash

The "OLD" label category- the WNCE Record Library equivalent of "hospice".

As I recall, I got to this one before the janitor took the pile away. Fortunately, they only came by 550 Weston Hall about once a year.