Tuesday »

- PXL 20221014 135830695.MP
Still more rot. The rest of the wall will be removed. - PXL 20221014 145627667
The second beam holding up the stairs would collapse soon. - IMG 2121
- IMG 2120
- IMG 2114
- PXL 20221007 142020614.MP
The rot continued downwards. - MyEmmyOnDisplay
- MyEmmyOnDisplay2
- WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-3b
- WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-2b
- WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-1b
- WJTB- Alpha Rho Chapter Chartering Program 1982-4b
- 02 Nucleus 04
1980 Nucleus - 02 Nucleus 05
1980 Nucleus - 02 Nucleus 03
1980 Nucleus