Tuesday »

- 1980 WJTB Golf 01
Golf Outing - 02 Nucleus 06 Society for Collegiate Journalists
1980 Nucleus - 02 Nucleus 05
1980 Nucleus - 02 Nucleus 04
1980 Nucleus - 02 Nucleus 03
1980 Nucleus - 02 Nucleus 02 Russ Stout
1980 Nucleus Russ Stout - 02 Nucleus 01 WJTB
1980 Nucleus - 01 Christmas Card 1980 02
Christmas Card- Legend - 01 Christmas Card 1980 01
Merry Christmas! - 1989-ish T-Shirt 02b from Glenn Arbesfeld
T-Shirt logo- circa 1989 Thanks, Glenn Arbesfeldt - PXL 20221014 145627667
The second beam holding up the stairs would collapse soon. - PXL 20221014 145641193
Re-building has begun. - PXL 20221014 135830695.MP
Still more rot. The rest of the wall will be removed. - PXL 20221014 133742945
Obviously, the cap specified by the Architect had not been installed. - PXL 20221014 135824201
First beam gone, second braced for removal.